What kind of effective physical therapy marketing actions are you engaged in? In this article Shaun Kirk will elaborate on how important it is with marketing activities in these times of change for physical therapy private practice. You should also know that there are proven, effective marketing activities that helps you make your practice into the success you always wanted it to be.
“As I work with practice owners from all over United States and Canada, I am almost always amazed at how competent these practice owners truly are from a clinical point of view. Unfortunately, I have seen many of these highly-trained and competent clinicians I could recommend to anyone who were struggling in private practice. It doesn't make sense to me. It shouldn't be that way.
It is extremely frustrating to have a private practice owner who has worked so hard to master his or her craft only to see someone down the street who they consider less than ideal in terms of competency raking in the patients.
This needs to change. Our profession, in the next few years is likely going to change. In fact it has been changing over the last several few years if anyone would care to look. We're getting paid less, we have higher co-pays and deductibles, and salaries are outrageously high. It is likely that these three areas will continue to be trouble for the private practice owner. Co-pays and deductibles will likely get higher and it’s very likely salaries will continue to rise. The practice owner who learns about promotion and marketing and who’s also efficient and hires competent clinicians, will be around and thriving in the future. Perhaps others who haven't figured this out will come and work for you someday.
One of the things I believe very strongly is that a private practice PT is a cut above those who aren't in private practice. It is because of this that I feel it is my responsibility to help private practitioners expand their competent clinical practices. In the field of physical therapy in general, it appears as though the private practitioner gets the short end of the stick more often than any other segment in the physical therapy profession. I have no idea why that is but I have certainly observed it.
Someone needs to step up and offer some real, uncomplicated solutions to expand a private practice that can be applied by anyone. I decided 10 years ago that I would do that and have done so with over 1,600 private practices over the years.
A phenomenal tool I developed to help private practices is The New Patient Course. It does work. It will get you results in getting new patients. By getting clinical results and by applying what you learn in The New Patient Course to get results known to everyone, your practice will expand greatly.
Remember: If everyone knew the results you get in clinical practice, you would be more successful.”
Call us now to find out more about The New Patient Course, 800-491-2828.
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