By Dr. Lisa J. Allen, BioMechanic Physical Therapy
Let me tell you a story.
I wanted to open my own practice, but while running a small practice for a large corporation and seeing how hard it is to make ends meet, I was afraid. I met Measurable Solutions in the exhibition hall of an APTA meeting. I wasn’t ready, but they called and mailed and called until I finally decided to have a look. I have never looked back. After seeing other PT’s skyrocketing graphs on the wall at Measurable Solutions I decided that that was what I wanted. With them by my side I knew I could not fail. Not only did I not fail, my practice took off like a rocket!
I had successfully opened two start-up clinics for two different corporations. Let’s compare my growth using the New Patient course versus my growth marketing “some other way.” In the first case we hired a second PT after 2 years, in the second case we hired a second PT after 1 year. In both cases the CEO’s were happy with the rate of growth. The corporation in the latter example should know what is good since they have experience with over 300 small clinics nationwide, right? Well they ain’t seen nothing. Had they known what Measurable Solutions knows and had implemented their physical therapy marketing program or at least had known what type of results were possible, the corporate heads would never have been pleased with my results!!
Flash forward to opening my own clinic using the New Patient course. I hired my second PT in 3 months! My third PT after 7 months! Now during “this difficult economy” I am still hiring and growing. I love how my own personal economy is indifferent to the nation!
It is great how Measurable Solutions is always there when I have a question or problem. They have the experience to know what is happening, the tools to handle it, and the guts to speak up and give strong advice.
If you mean what you say, and you want to open a clinic for yourself or just get your current clinic rocking, then look no further, you have found the solution.
My best wishes to you and yours for a prosperous PT practice and lots of happy patients.
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