I want to thank Measurable Solutions for all they have done for me with my business and personally. Not a day goes by where I don’t hear a patient, a colleague or other business leader in the community remark on how their business is suffering, shrinking, and they are having to reduce staff, cut payroll or other benefits to their employees. They ask me if I am experiencing the same difficulties. I very proudly respond to them that I am not. I then go on to tell them how I just opened my fifth clinic, hired 6 additional staff members and saw 102 new clients just last week. Not that I am trying to rub salt in their wound but I am very proud of the accomplishments our business has achieved despite all the economic hardships that are occurring all around the community.
Inevitably the next question I get is, “What is your secret?” Again I very proudly remark to them that I have no secrets! My business is thriving due to the sound structure that I have in place so that I do not experience downturns, or if I do, I know exactly how to fix it in a very short time frame to get things moving back in the right direction. I share with them how the staff at Measurable Solutions introduced me to a system of management and physical therapy marketing and I trained on how to properly utilize the technology and I tell them that I have I trained my staff on how to use the technology. It is a sound business technology and when appropriately applied helps you spot trouble situations or potential trouble situations which if ignored can lead to serious problems down the road.
It has been over 5 years since I attended the New Patient Course. In those 5 years I have experienced several situations such as 3 hurricanes in a 6 week period, 7 physical therapy clinics opening within a 10 mile radius of my clinics, referral for profit clinics (POPs), staff turnover, and the list goes on. I am proud to report not one of those situations caused economic hardship or a miss of a beat in my operations and each time our business came out bigger and better. Back then I was 1 clinic seeing 130 patient visits per week and now we are 5 clinics strong seeing close to 1,000 patient visits per week! I know this is a direct link to the management technology and continued application of the physical therapy marketing program as well as the training we have applied. I continue to be amazed even after 5years as to how blessed I am to have Measurable Solutions staff as business associates. They have been with me since day one and I know that when times get tough they are a phone call away!
I am accomplishing most of this while I am not even in the office. My wife and I just took a spur of the moment trip to NYC and returned yesterday. The food was fabulous, the atmosphere was electric and we had some really good quality time to connect as husbands and wives need from time to time. I am happy to report while I was gone our patient visits shot up by over 100. More proof that I need to cut my hours back and take more vacation time than I am already doing.
Steve Ryland, PT, DPT
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